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Australia Outback Safaris - Cape York, The Kimberleys by NorthWest Australian Safaris, Australia


If an OUTDOOR ADVENTURE HOLIDAY is what you're seeking, then you can do no better than take a 4WD safari tour to Cape York or Gulf Savannah with NorthWest Safaris. To stand at the most northerly point of Australia is a dream of many who enjoy travelling to remote areas.

CAPE YORK is an area of Australia UNTAMED AND WITH A COLORFUL HISTORY of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander occupation, exploration and mining. The area has a diverse range of scenery, flora and fauna, secluded beaches and rugged remote beauty. Large saltwater crocs inhabit streams, lagoons, & coastal areas.

There are the mighty river systems and its tributaries, making a 4WD a necessity for crossing creeks and even some rivers. BEAUTIFUL WATERFALLS such as Fruit Bat and Elliott Falls are a welcome sight for a swim in the crystal clear cascading waterfalls.

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