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Pranik CranioSacral: Holistic Health Home, Prana, Ayurveda and Craniosacral Therapy


Bharat (Prana) developed the Pranik Craniosacral which is an integration of traditional healing systems:

   * Ayurveda
   * Craniosacral Therapy
   * Zen Shiatsu / Tuina

The foundation of Pranik Craniosacral is to enliven the inner-intelligence of body-mind and restore health and wellness by harmonizing the movement of Pranas (Life-force).

It helps in releasing stress, pain and energy blockages. It promote vitality, relaxation and healing.

Traditional eastern healing systems view our living human form as an intricately woven system of energies in which our consciousness dwells.

Ultimately it's the 'dweller' (or consciousness or soul) that gives the purpose to the living human form, however, the vibrational pattern-maker or bio-energy that integrates and animates all the elements in the living form is Prana.

Prana is a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to 'life-force' or 'breath of life'. Prana is both the physical breath and the subtle life energy of the body. In different cultures this is referred by different names: Chi(Qi), Barak, Mana, Logos, Energy, etc.

The dis-ease, in traditional healing systems, is caused by the blockages in the flow of pranas within the individual or between the individual and the cosmos.

Wellness can be restored by enhancing the self-awareness and balancing the free flow of prana through the chakras and the whole body that improves the coordination, rhythm and healing in the living body.

Every treatment and therapy session is customized based on the assessment and evaluation of client's needs, comfort and body-mind-spirit constitution.

Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese pulse and tongue analysis are used to assess the client’s constitution.

For more Information: Bharat (Prana) Gogia, MBA., NCBTMB., HHP., email: Phone: 760-840 0548 Location: 575 2nd St, Encinitas CA 92024'

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