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Silver Colloids: Scientific Information on Colloidal Silver


This site is dedicated to the publication and dissemination of scientific information about colloidal silver. Information contained on these pages is intended for informational and educational purposes. The authors contributing information found on these pages do not directly or indirectly dispense medical advice nor prescribe any remedies or assume responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves.

The information presented on this site will be in the form of articles, booklets, scientific papers, tutorials, product reports , and various graphs and tables. Technical Papers of a how to nature describe in detail how to perform scientific measurements of the various physical properties of colloidal silver. Tutorials discuss the science of colloids and how theory translates to practice. Lab reports describe laboratory experiments that were performed to determine particular attributes of silver colloids. Graphs and tables contain information relating to various properties and attributes of interest.

The Commercial Product Reports provide detailed laboratory analysis of colloidal silver and gold products that are sold commercially via MLM, health food stores, and over the internet. The purpose of these reports is to provide a uniform set of analytical measurements of the physical properties of the tested products conducted in a scientific objective fashion. The information contained in these reports is for educational purposes and is not intended to promote any particular product.

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