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Male Health Issues Men's Health Clinic UK Male Clinic Colchester Area Men Health Men Welbeing Male health checks Male Menopause Viagra Mens Health Male Health Man Health Health Services in Colchester Essex BPH Prostate Cancer Cocaine withdrawal heroine withdrawal drug abuse coming off drugs coping with long term illnessHealth Support Give Up Smoking Why Do You Smoke Why Do I Smoke Drinking Excessive drinking Alchohol illness Drinking too much I want to Stop Drinking Health Services Prostate Heart Disease Smoking Cancer Sexual Skin Bones Essex drug abuse cocaime heroine hypnosis self help therepy AMPHETAMINE AMPHETAMINE NARCOTIC MARIJUANA ANABOLIC STEROID ALCOHOLISM Hair Loss Male diet


We are a diverse group of individuals. The group includes patients using the healthcare services, (both state and private), healthcare professionals and other interested people who are working together to improve the health and well being of men in the Colchester area. By the Colchester area, we mean roughly the area covered by Colchester Borough Council, so including Tiptree and West Mersea.

We believe that the patients' needs are what matters. We are aiming to improve men's health by promoting and campaigning for better medical services and healthier lifestyles for men and encouraging men to be more responsible for their own health.

So if you have some time available and want to find out more about the group and possibly join in the work, then please email us on .



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