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"We didn't have a screenplay, we shot in sequence, and we didn't cover shots from different angles. We really didn't know until the first day of filming what actually was going to happen. I'm really going in a weird I-don't-know-where direction." Gus Van Sant commenting on his new film Elephant, which won Best Film and Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival this year.

Thousands of teens and young adults in America have sealed themselves off from the outside world. In increasing numbers, America's youth have fallen victim to a condition called Acute Social Withdrawal. "It isn't all bad, you know. I mean, I guess it can get pretty boring sometimes, but at other times it's kinda like a spiritual experience," says Andy, a 17 year old boy who hasn't left his bedroom in over eight months.

"Oh Sandy, how I thought this day would never come. Quickly, let me devour your tender fruit again. My desire cannot by quenched... it is the love you have always deserved yet have always been denied..."

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