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Dubai|Sharjah|Abu Dhabi|Ajman|Rasalkhaimah|Fujairah|Ummal-Quwain|


Welcome to United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven emirates or states Dubai, Sharjah , Abu Dhabi , Ajman, Rasalkhaimah, UmalQuwain and Fujairah, each with its own unique

My Emirates

Being literally crime-free is not the only thing that makes the United Arab Emirates one of the most attractive places to live in. Its amazing amalgamation of the traditional values of the East and the modern technologies of the West, being a melting pot of various nationalities and cultures living together and working in harmony and a standard of living that is comparable to the world's most advanced nations makes it one of 20

Dubai-based Emirates is one of the fastest growing airlines in the world and has received more than 250 international awards for excellence since its launch in 1985.

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Ras-ul-khor Ind., Ducamz
Dubai, Emirates 63264 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES


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