Difference between revisions of "UniversalWikiEditButton ConsensusPoll"

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# {{UWEB|Vivek D Rohra}}
# {{UWEB|Vivek D Rohra}}
# {{UWEB|User:Helge.at}}
# {{UWEB|User:Helge.at}}
# {{UWEB|Chuck Smith}}
=== YES ===
=== YES ===

Revision as of 14:28, 6 June 2007


We're Done When ...

We are definitely done with this version of the UniversalWikiEditButton if we can reach and maintain the levels of consensus described in this section.


  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of Wikitravel to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of WikiHow to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of Wikia to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of WardsWiki to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of MeatballWiki to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of CommunityWiki to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of AboutUs to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 ActiveMembers of Wikipedia to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 Wiki Engine developers to be at YES on the current version of the icon.
  • We need at least 90% of at least 10 Active at large wiki users to be at YES on the current version of the icon.


  • The "Edit This" Button stays above the GoThresholds and remains unchanged for at least 48 hours. Each time the icon changes the DoneTimer resets to zero.

How to participate

If you don't feel strongly about this decision, please feel warmly welcomed to work on other things. If you are feeling ProcessFatigue please feel warmly welcomed to take a break. Before leaving, please consider leaving either a yes or not yet status with an explanatory comment.

Taking a break while leaving a yes status means:

"Given the GoThresholds for this poll and the people who are participating it feels extremely unlikely that this poll could succeed without creating a high quality "edit this page" icon. I trust you all to watch out for my interests and come to a good decision. If the GoThresholds were lower, or if Suzy Trustworthy wasn't actively participating I might feel otherwise. I know that Suzy Trustworthy will ping me if I need to become involved again. So, have at it friends and know that I support your effort in spirit even if I can't actively participate right now."

Taking a break while leaving a not yet status means:

"Given the GoThresholds for this poll and the people who are participating it feels like this poll might pass even if the icon isn't high quality. If the GoThresholds were higher, or if Suzy Trustworthy was actively participating I might feel otherwise. But since the thresholds are so low and no one I know from my own personal experience to be trustworthy is involved, I'm going to ensure that the final results are better by leaving my vote a not yet. The plan can still succeed, it will just require higher levels of support to counteract my not yet."

If the icon in its current form doesn't speak to you, please directly edit the icon. No need to explain your every edit, just tweak the icon until it works for you. (EfficientlyExpressedSuggestions)

Status: Not Yet


  • AndreasGohr (WikiEngineDeveloper ...)
    YES Edit-chalk-7g.png It's not easily recognizable as chalk and thus not saying "EDIT ME!" right away. But the RSS symbol doesn't say "SUBSCRIBE", too but still works. What is a must for me is the green color (blue would be fine, too) as "standard color" to avoid any confusion with the RSS icon. Both icons (RSS and Wiki) are not easily recognizable by the graphics alone, so color is an important way to add distinguishability. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Angela Beesley (Wikia, Wikipedia)
    NotYet . I'd prefer some sort of wikitext if there's anything wiki-engine-independent. This would be more relevant than pens, chalk, pencils, etc since a wiki is about more than writing. Color and text need to remain optional. The only time I'd be happy about using text is if the only word used was "wiki" which is rarely localized.
    Wikitext example but this one is not wiki-engine-independentTextBrackets UEB.png Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Cacahuate (Wikitravel ... )
    NotYet to the logo, but I love the concept. I like green, but it's just not quite extraordinary enough yet. Sorry I can't help with the actual design, but I'll know something great when I see it! Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Catherine (Wikia ... )
    NotYet I don't care whether it's green or not, but I think color is more important than symbol -- the identifiable orange of the RSS button tells me much more about what kind of content page I'm on (even without me directly looking at it) than the symbol does. But like everyone else, I think the idea of a UniversalWikiEditButton itself is a brilliant and important one. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • DonaldNoyes (WardsWiki ...)
    NotYet The idea has merit in indicating participation in a unified way of doing things, and might more appropriately be applied to InterWiki involvement and compatability with an InterWikiMarkupLanguage making edits mean the same thing among wikis participating. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Elocina Nicole Willson (WikiHow ...)
    YES Love the concept and appreciate all the initiative taken to do this. Button looks much better than it did back in May. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Evan Prodromou (Wikitravel ... )
    NotYet I think this is a great idea, and I think it's great to use the consensus polling method to try to work out a plan. A couple of process points: groups with "wiki" in the name already have a leg up; people have at least a vague understanding that "wiki" implies "editable". I like the idea but I'm not excited about any of the icons yet. I'd probably put my weight behind something with a pencil in it, however anachronistic and Eurocentric that may be. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Flickety (WikiHow ... )
    NotYet love the concept of finding ways of drawing us together. But I'm not sure this is the right way to go about this & is dependent on how we see perceive "branding" & what we think our users are searching for/comprehending. For wikiHow at the moment, the proposed green icon design does not fit with our site re-design. Green was discussed as part of general input into the site re-design & was considered unsuitable for design & visual reasons. And as for our users, I'm yet to be convinced that at this stage many of them are going to get the wiki aspect from this button. I like the idea of us being brought together more but I don't yet get the feeling that the proposed design at this stage is going to work for us. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Gil (Wikia ... )
    NotYet We need a more neutral color - and I agree on language-independent. Nice idea though, I appreciate you kicking off the thought process Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Liz Henry (Socialtext ...)
    NotYet I like the idea, but would like to know which icon we're voting on. I love the bright green, okay with the orange, hate the dull yellowish green, which would clash with the rss button. The "quick sketch" squiggles are nice, or anything that seems dynamic and graceful and pretty. Let's stick to something iconographic, not textual -- "wiki" or "edit" don't translate as well as a picture. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • MarkDilley (MeatballWiki, CommunityWiki, WikiIndex, AboutUs)
    YES I like the idea and wonder if a CommunityMark or an auto discovery function would be a good step in the direction, considering a "head" like image as Fridemar suggests, I rather agree with Angela Beesley and Phil Boswell and we should have Wiki-text-icon.png - this also seems in step with the evolution of the RSS button.Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit

  • NJR_ZA (Wikitravel ...)
    NotYet Very good concept, but I don't think the icons are unique or descriptive enough yet. Clicking on a wiki edit button is not just about editing a page; it is also about us, the people of the world, doing things for ourself rather than depending on a government or multinational company to do it for us. I think the icons should reflect that. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Ray King (AboutUs, WikiIndex ...)
    YES I'm satisfied that that symbol and the context in which it will be used will clearly indicate the concepts of "wiki" and "edit". Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Sam Rose (CommunityWiki ...)
    YES I agree with the feedback that the green is good. I also agree withthe feedback that a symbol is better than text for a "universal" button. I can see the reasoning for wanting "Wiki", because it is so recognizeable. But, it is limiting in terms of language. I also agree with the feedback that the current chalk icon does not really look like chalk. I think chalk, or a writing tool of some sort, is a good direction to move in. Ultimately, I believe that whatever is decided upon and widely adopted will likely become recognizeable because it's widely adopted. So, I'll give a YES to the current icon. I'd also propose that people could create an alternative version of the current icon that includes both the image and the word "wiki", if they prefer to utilize text.Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Scott Keeler (AboutUs ...)
    NotYet I just realized that the premise of the current icon is incorrect. The edit button on a wiki isn't about writing, like a pen or chalk would suggest. The edit button on a wiki is about building, and the universal wiki edit button should reflect that. edit

  • Sunir Shah (MeatballWiki ...)
    YES I think we are at the stage where we should user test a few good options, and I am now happy the pencil nib option has survived into 0.1 as one option. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Sven Dowideit (TWiki.org ...)
    YES I prefer the green color to differentiate better, but the sideways cigarette isn't bad :) Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • TakKendrick (AboutUs ...)
    NotYet I love the idea. But agree with TedErnst the icons are hard to discern. The problem is what is the icon suppose to say? Should it be a "easy edit" like a pencil? Or does it even matter if the image is readily recognizable. At some point, the RSS icon symbolizes sound/radio waves or something, but it doesn't matter because we've acclimated ourselves to recognize what it means without actually "seeing" what the image is composed of. Mmmmmm... I love/hate branding. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • TedErnst (AboutUs WikiIndex CommunityWiki Meatball Wikipedia)
    YES I don't actually have a preference about which icon is used. I do think coming together as a wiki community to decide something is way cool. I look forward to us approving v0.1 and then, if desired, working on an upgrade. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • TVerBeek (Wikitravel ...)
    NotYet I'm OK with the idea, but a bit unclear on the goal, and totally unclear on (and therefore uncomfortable with) the "process" this page is apparently supposed to embody. I'm certainly not about to vote "yes" on something where the logo being voted on changes without warning after I've voted, and includes examples that I don't think work at all. (If I wanted that, I'd move to Florida.) Since I don't know how/where I'm supposed to comment on the proposed icons, I'll do it here: The "two way web" is an esoteric buzzphrase that means nothing to most people, so an icon based on it would be equally meaningless. Delta as a symbol of change is only meaningful to math/science geeks, and the shape has connotations of danger in other contexts. The "stylized pencil" is the only one that I think conveys the concept of "edit". Most of the others are just arbitrary graphics.
    Update: The "chalk" icon doesn't particularly look like chalk. Besides: who uses chalk to "edit"? Has anyone in the post-industrial world actually seen chalk in a classroom in the past decade? At least a pencil is a symbol that people might actually recognize and understand... and perhaps even have experience using. Stop trying to be so "original"; an icon should be obvious, not clever. This a weak idea (chalk), weakly implemented (doesn't look like chalk). Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Vinh Nguyen (AboutUs ...)
    NotYet While I like the direction this is heading, I think we need more clarification on the goals of creating a Universal Wiki Edit Button. In short: What does it signify? Who will use it? and Why do we need it? Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Vivek D Rohra (WikiHow ...)
    NotYet I agree with the central idea, that there should be a standardized button, but the colour proposed, i.e. green, which was considered as unsuitable for our newly upcoming Site design after some long discussions, makes me hesitant to agree completely on it. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • User:Helge.at (Wikipedia)
    YES I deem basically any of the listed icons good enough for version 0.1.
    I think it (or whatever icon) should be brought into the wiki context using words. See this badge and this explanation. --Helge.at 11:06, 12 June 2007 (PDT) Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit
  • Chuck Smith (WikiCreole, Esperanto-Wikipedia)
    YES Cool idea! We have also made the WikiCreole logo Creole favicon.jpg look similar to the Universal Wiki Edit Button. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit


    1. Brandon CS Sanders YES I'm agreeing to use whatever we come up with ... AboutUs, WardsWiki, CommunityWiki, Meatball, Wikipedia
    2. Dave Crosby YES WikiHow Fully behind the concept. Icon is good for me.
    3. Drew YES AboutUs I'm intrigued by the concept
    4. FridemarPache YES MeatballWiki Better now than never. Main thing is, we have a unifying brand. We can adapt the icon incrementally later, like CocaCola (TM) did it ;-)
    5. LionKimbro YES CommunityWiki Well, it's certainly the right color. I'm not super-excited about this, but hey, I'm here, and dressed for the ball. Why not?
    6. Mattis Manzel YES CommunityWiki Excellent idea. I'm not sure about green and not overwhelmed by the current examples. My eyes ain't better than Ted's, I can't see the pencil either. If it doesn't take us three months Sunir's idea is good. Asking just many people instead of many, many might already lead to a good result.
    7. Nathan YES AboutUs Fantastic.
    8. User:RadomirDopieralski YES CommunityWiki Good idea. The shape will be probably adapted to match the site's specific style, so we need a recognizable symbol.
    9. Ward Cunningham YES WardsWiki I've deployed one as c2.com/wiki.png and will update this when a final choice is made by the community.

  • Retrieved from "http://aboutus.com/index.php?title=UniversalWikiEditButton_ConsensusPoll&oldid=7247643"