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How Does The Rotovac 360i Carpet Cleaner Work

Buying a carpet cleaner is a good idea for people who have dogs or live in a muddy area. With some of the carpet cleaners, though, the cleaning action makes people wonder how the machine works. This is true when people see the Rotovac 360i, which is a uniquely designed product that does great at cleaning the carpet. Rotary head cleaning option is the way the head for the machine is going to work. While most of the carpet cleaners have the same square head shape people are used to, this machine has a rotary shape.

With this type of shape, people will be able to get the cleaning done in a multi-directional manner all at once. This is completely different than what people are used to seeing, even with the brushes on a regular machine because it works the carpet is multiple directions all at once. Side to side cleaning motion helps to get multiple angles at the stain on the carpet. Sometimes, people never think about this, but when they have a square-headed machine, they are always moving the machine around to attack the carpet stain in different directions.

Learn more: How J. Rutherford a Gold Coast carpet cleaner successful in this field...

With the Rotovac, the machine is self propelled and already does the motion in the back to back pattern to guarantee the stain is being attacked multiple ways. This in turn will make it easier for people to get the stains up, without having to do all of the work they normally would do.  Speed control of the rotary head is something else people will like to see. With almost all of the carpet cleaners on the market, they have one speed and this is slow. However, the Rotovac, has a special feature that makes it easy for people to adjust the speed of the machine to clean the tougher stains. Variable heads that are available is something else people enjoy seeing.

Most of the time, people are stuck with a single head that comes with their machine and are not able to change this. By not changing the head out, it does not adapt to each of the individual carpet types. This in turn leads to the carpet that is still dirty even after the carpet has been cleaned. With the different head options that are available with the Rotovac, it allows people to have a good time in knowing the carpet will be cleaned up properly. Light weight is something else people enjoy with this machine.

While most of the time, people can get the carpet cleaner moved around, they need to realize going up the stairs is very difficult to do. With this machine, it is lightweight and makes it easy for people to move the machine up and down the stairs to clean the carpet. Cleaning the carpet is important to maintaining a nice and clean home. However, people need to know how the carpet cleaner is going to work to ensure the right one is selected. By knowing how the Rotovac 360i works, people will see this is one of the best models on the market. 

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