

Whatcha Rockin?: Music, Photos, Reviews, Features, MP3 Blog, News, Politics


In today's fast-paced, short-attention-span, online-music-sharing, iTunes-Napster world and the ever-increasing number of musical acts and related publicity, how do we separate the wheat from the chaff, the mice from the cheese? The answer is an online handbook of music and its surrounding culture. Thus, WhatchaRockin?com became a reality. The aim of this online magazine is to encourage a community of music lovers who are willing to share their tastes with one another, so that others may discover and return the favor.

So, what do we give you? WhatchaRockin?com is a music-focused internet magazine that speaks to the digi-savvy generation and offers advice for music purchases, online and in-store. Colliding music, politics, technology and society, we review all types of music from indie rock to folk, classical to hip-hop. Albums are rated using a simple format: 8-Track (Horrible), Cassette (Okay), CD (Solid), Vinyl (Classic) or MP3 (Ahead of it's Time). Along with every review is an in-depth Artist Archive including bios, interviews, photos, and web links. We also let readers know preferred stores that carry the albums we review, and offer song samples. The hope is to expand the site to include music festival and show reviews, interviews of artists and industry pioneers, as well as guest columns that give diverse perspectives on the future of music.

Back to the all-too-important Community: With free membership (this means YOU!), the User Review feature encourages readers to respond to the music we review and interact with others in the WR? community. Speak Up!, the daily blog, sparks discussions on how politics, advances in technology and social realities affect us as music lovers. This is a chance to make your voice heard at any scale you choose - writing user reviews, making useful comments, leaving your dos centavos* on any of our topics, or starting your own thread of thought. Welcome - we hope you stay a while.

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