

Colorado River Rafting Family Colorado Whitewater River Rafting


Tony & Kathy Keenan opened Whitewater Adventure Outfitters 15 years ago with the intention of offering a unique and personal rafting service to the public. For the prior six years, Tony worked at one of the largest and busiest rafting companies in Colorado as a guide and trip leader. Kathy arrived in the Arkansas Valley in 1986 and soon fell in love with rafting and the Valley, purchased her own boat, dubbed "Ms B Haven", and began her carefree days of being a "private boater" on the Arkansas and other rivers in the west. We met in 1990 and soon began planning the dream of starting our own rafting company. It has always been our goal to offer personal service and quality trips that can only be accomplished at a much smaller company than Tony was accustomed to, and with a staff of very experienced and highly talented guides.

WAO was born, and now going into its fifteenth season, WAO has grown up to become one of the most respected companies in the Valley. Few companies, if any, can compare with the experience level of guides or the outstanding safety record that defines our operation. Still today, as in our very first season, Tony & Kathy answer the phone, run the river, drive shuttles and personally oversee the operation on a daily basis. We are proudest of our guides, many of whom have over twenty years experience on this and many other rivers throughout not only the US, but across the globe. You see, we realized long ago that the single element to providing the very best service possible to our guests, begins and ends with the quality and experience level of the people on the "front lines" of rafting, the guides. Once you are out of the office and on the river, your guide is the person you spend the day with and they are the ones who can make your raft trip a disaster or one of the most memorable and enjoyable experiences of not only your vacation, but of anything you have ever embarked upon in your entire lifetime. And that's what we really sell at WAO, memories.

Our commitment to safety and excellence remains unaltered. WAO not only far exceeds the standards set by the State of Colorado and the AHRA, our governing body, we fully intend to exceed YOUR expectations, whether you are a group of two or a hundred. We approach each day and each trip with the same philosophy. To make this trip the one you'll remember for a lifetime, and this activity the highlight of your vacation in Colorado.

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