
Venture Capital Made Easy


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Do you want to raise $250,000 - $50,000,000 Venture Capital? Within 10-60 days you can locate a Venture Capital Investment firm capable of investing! Written and presented by one of America's leading experts in the industry, Mervin Evans, the author of "NEW YORK VENTURE CAPITAL DIRECTORY!" Venture Capital Made Easy! will teach you what are the best methods to search for investment capital. Venture Capital Made Easy! is a 160 page format and outline workbook formatted on a Adobe Acrobat CD and 3 DVD / 2 Audio CD set.

Venture Capital Made Easy! is an exciting program that forces you to research and plan for the future. Each page of the workbook has a set of questions that define your funding package into a professional funding request.

Venture Capital Made Easy! provides the user all of resources needed to locate investment capital. You will find Merv's presentation style refreshing. The methods are proven and very powerful tools to locate capital.

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