
Vegan ingredients, vegan recipes, vegan restaurants - Vegan World Order


Vegan World Order is concerned with nothing other than the economic reality that vegans want food tailored to their lifestyle. Here you will find recipes and restaurant listings that address these needs. Debating veganism is secondary for vegans who do not compromise their choices.

We apologize if you came to this site to argue. We don't care if you are or aren't vegan. A world where vegan is the defacto choice, vegetarian meals are the token, and meat is the rarity would eliminate the need for this site. Until that day, this site helps vegans eat in a world that does not conform to their demands.

This site isn't about the political, religious, health, or social causes that are related to veganism. Vegan World Order merely represents the economic and gastronomic concerns of a well informed and increasingly prevalent group of individuals. In other words, we are keeping rhetoric out of vegan food.

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