

Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers


Unitarian Universalism has a proud and diverse heritage. In the pages which follow, you will find the particulars of our story and answers to many questions people ask about our faith. Suffice it to say here, we begin in the 16th century Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church, notably in Transylvania. We also emerge newly formed in the 18th century Enlightenment of England. In the New World, we derive our sense of church and general practices of worship and governance from our Pilgrim and Puritan ancestors.

Over time, Unitarian Universalism is especially characterized by a deep commitment to continually search for the truths of our lives. Since the early 19th century, we have moved steadily beyond our Christian origins to take up the insights of the Transcendentalists and the emerging scientific worldview. By the 20th century, our faith embraced humanism and a commitment to social progress and justice.

We sometimes describe ourselves as the "church of the continuing Reformation." Toward the latter part of the 20th century, we once again re-framed our understanding of faith to include the insights of feminism and a new commitment to earth-centered traditions and environmental justice.

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