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Ragdolls are, for me, the cream of the feline world. The majority of those who are ‘slaves’ to Ragdolls now, or have been in the past, will probably understand why I say this, but for those who have not yet encountered Ragdolls, I shall try to explain just what it is that I think makes them so special.

When I first set eyes on a Ragdoll cat, the initial thing that struck me was their size. They are large, muscular cats, with mature males reaching weights of 7–9kg (15-20lb) and females 3.5-7kg (8-15lb). Little wonder then, that Ragdolls are believed to be the largest of all domesticated cats. The second thing that struck me was the exquisite beauty of the Ragdoll, with amazing blue eyes, silky semi-longhaired coats, their neck ruff and ‘knickerbockers’ and striking colours and patterns. However, it is the truly wonderful nature of these ‘gentle giants’ of the feline world that really gives them their uniqueness as a breed.

Ragdolls have the ‘purrsonality’ to match their size and beauty. They are loving, gentle and docile. The loyalty they afford their owners can be compared to that of a dog, as they are not independent and aloof, but crave company and attention, wanting to be with their owners at every opportunity. Once you share your home with a Ragdoll, you adopt a shadow, who will follow you everywhere and I mean, everywhere! In our house showering or bathing usually involves the company of at least one of our Ragdolls and as I write this I have two Ragdolls supervising me, as they drape themselves partly across my lap and partly across the keyboard. Our Ragdolls always greet us at the front door, when we return home, even if we have only been out to put rubbish in the bin, or cut the grass. Having a Ragdoll is not like owning any other cat. Once you own, or should I say are ‘owned’, by a Ragdoll, they become one of the family and you become their slave!

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