Italian language school in the historic center of Rome

Italian Language School in Rome

Specialized in teaching Italian to foreigners.

About Us

In opertation since 1984, we are authorized by the Italian Ministry of Education. Our course run year round and are attended by students from all over the world.

Germany 29%

France 15%

Spain 15%

England 8%

USA/Canada 10%

Mexico 8%

Brazil 8%

Japan 7%


The Italian language school, "Torre di Babele", is located in the historic center of Rome, Italy. Rome is a city offering infinite possibilities for enjoying its beauty, Italian history and lifestyle. Side by side with the Rome of ancient times is a modern and lively metropolis with a vast range of sights and entertainment to delight its visitors.

To help students become acquainted with the city, Italian Language Courses are supplemented by a varied program of extracurricular activities. At the start of each course, teachers distribute complete information about Rome, its cultural activities and its services.

An excellent public transportation system makes the surrounding areas - such as the Castelli Romani, Bracciano and Albano lakes, and the beach - all easily accessible.


All course are taught by trained instructors specializing in teaching Italian as a foriegn language. Classes are held in small groups of 7 to 12 students. This helps promote a friendly and relaxed atomshphere in which to learn the language. For information on the cost of our courses and scholarships, please visit to our web site.



Our teach method is unique.

We are a memeber of the "Tandem" network of international language schools. Which encourages the expansion and delevopment of your Italian language skill. Through a casual conversation exchange with Italians interested in learning an other language such as English, German, Japanese, French and Spanish.


Language Study Link - Torre di Babele

Contact Us

Via Cosena, 7

00161 Roma, Italy

Tel. +39.0644252578 or +39.0644252491

Fax +9.0644251972

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