is an energy-healing modality offers books and seminars.

Vianna's Nature's Path — Theta Healing

My name is Vianna. I am the founder of the technique ThetaHealing™. In 1995 I received an instant healing from cancer through the Creator of All That Is. Since then, I have healed myself through the Creator many times using ThetaHealing™. ThetaHealing™ is a technique that teaches how to put to use our natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work”. We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional healing. Theta Healing involves techniques used to reprogram the unconscious mind, indentifying and unblocking belief systems that are blocking your path to wellness. Upon learning the technique of ThetaHealing™, you will see that everyone has intuitive abilities that can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional healing. Using this personal process, you will help yourself, as well as your friends and family. ThetaHealing™ is designed by Vianna as a therapeutic self-help guide to develop the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using the Creator of all That Is. ThetaHealing™ is best known for the Belief and Feeling Work on all four levels; Core, Gene, History, and Soul. ThetaHealing™- An attainable miracle for your life If there is only one energy-technique that you learn this one. It will change your life forever. The technique is so simple it is perfect. It does not demand anything from you, or that you give up any other teachings. ThetaHealing™ transcends dogma and goes beyond all religions yet is accepting of them all. Just as Christ said, “All these things you can do and more,” in ThetaHealing™ you will learn that nothing is impossible if you dare to believe. Don't be fulled by imitations only a real ThetaHealing teacher is teaching ThetaHealing truthful and is listed on our site.





1615 Curlew Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406
Phone: 208.524.0808

Additional Information

With several big selling books under her belt including ThetaHealing™ and the recently released ThetaHealing™ Disease and Disorder, Vianna’s third book, Advanced DNA is scheduled for release in late spring of 2009. Vianna was honored, while recently teaching in Japan, to meet Dr. Kazuhiko Atsumi who was recognized as one of 12 Living Legends of Modern Medicine that have contributed to major scientific and technological advances in the 20th Century through their work, teaching, and leadership. Dr. Atsumi has read Vianna's latest book, ThetaHealing™ Disease and Disorder, and said, “It is full of wisdom.” “He said he was honored to meet me, but of course, it was a greater honor to meet him," Vianna added. Dr. Atsumi (Tokyo University, Japan) led a team that took up the challenge of developing heart assist devices and artificial hearts in Japan, has been involved for many years in laser medicine research and has served as the President of Suzuka University of Medical Science and Technology. He is currently the Chairman of the World Federation of Societies for Laser Medicine and Surgery. According to Vianna, ThetaHealing™ is a universal technique not affiliated with any specific religion, “I’ve had people from many different faiths in the same class. ThetaHealing™ goes beyond organized religion. It’s our birthright from our creator to connect to this higher energy.” With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotion can contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. This is ThetaHealing™ and it can be most easily described as “An attainable miracle for your life.”

According to Vianna, ThetaHealing is a universal technique not affiliated with any specific religion, “I’ve had people from many different faiths in the same class. ThetaHealing goes beyond religion. Its our birthright from our creator to connect to this higher energy.” With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotion can contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. This is ThetaHealing and it can be most easily described as ”An attainable miracle for your life.”

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