
Science and the existence of God - The Wonder of the World: by Roy Abraham Varghese


Excerpted from the website:

Is the matrix (i.e., womb) of modern science a religious view of the world formulated most clearly by the four greatest thinkers of Judaism, theistic Hinduism, Christianity and Islam? What did the pioneers and prophets of science think of God? And what does science tell us about the origins of energy, autonomous intelligent agents (life-forms), consciousness, language, reproduction and the laws of nature? What happened “before” the Big Bang? Does the universe have an IQ measured by the progressive manifestation of intelligence in its history? Who holds the patent on quantum fields and the genetic code? How do electrons and photons, cells and proteins, “know” what to do and what keeps them ticking? How do thoughts “cause” brain events? Is there a supra-scientific Theory of Everything?
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