
THE SWINGING LIFE - Your Guide to Enjoying the Swinging Lifestyle


This Site — Independent and Free

The Swinging Life web site is a private production of Ed and Dana Allen. We are not associated with any club, magazine, travel agent, or other commercial enterprise and we accept no advertising. (We do receive a small commission on some items purchased through our site.) Our advice and comments are unbiased and unbought. The content of this site is presented partially because we get some satisfaction when we can share our knowledge and actually help someone, and partially in the hope that if we supply you with accurate and useful information, you will be encouraged to purchase one of our books — or invite us to a party. . . . whatever.

Ed and Dana — Experienced but Still Cute

We met at a swinger's club some 20 years ago. One or both of us have attended just about every kind of swinging function there is, have helped set up party houses, have founded two organizations, been interviewed on radio, spoken at several conferences on swinging, and presented seminars at several swing conventions. We have a pretty good sense of what works because we have done just about everything wrong at one time or another. We are now happily married, active swingers and intend to remain both for a long time to come.



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