
The Restoration Movement

Description is a site dedicated to the history of the r estoring of New Testament Christianity all around the globe over the l ast several hundred years . Many men and women have dedicated themselves to the preaching and teaching of the original gospel who have been all but forgotten.

Your webmaster is Scott Harp. I obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ by way of repentance, confession of Christ, and of full immersion in water on June 5, 1968. History marks this date with the event in California when Robert Kennedy, a Democratic candidate for president of the United States, was mortally wounded at the hands of Sirhan Sirhan. Interestingly, I realized I was dead in sin that day, and was made alive in Christ by the same power that raised Him from the dead through baptism, Romans 6:3,4.

I attended Greater Atlanta Christian School from 1970-1976. While in the 11th grade my American History teacher was a young Harding College (now University) graduate named, David Fincher. This class was a turning point in my high school education. He made history come alive for me and my fellow students. During my senior year, I took Mr. Fincher's class on World History and Government. Every class was a joy. I had decided that I would go to college and become a history teacher myself.

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