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About Us

The NEEMTEAM evolved out of personal experience. With two young children of school age, it was not long before the problem of head lice reared its' head. Bad publicity surrounding the use of chemical treatments deterred me from purchasing first line 'over the counter' treatments, and I opted to try tea tree oil and shampoo. When this failed, further investigation yielded options such as a battery powered electronic 'zapper comb' (which supposedly breaks the leg of the nit, preventing it from being able to move), an enzyme based shampoo (encourages a 'moult' at the wrong stage of the insects life-cycle, causing death), and finally, in desperation when all these failed, we reluctantly resorted to the many brands of chemical treatments available.

After about eighteen months, it seemed the only option was to break the news to our daughter that her beautiful head of long, thick, lustrous hair - would have to be cut in order to eliminate the problem once and for all.

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