is an e-commerce site selling sterling silver animal jewelry.


Animal Jewelry, Dog Jewelry, Cat Jewelry, Bird Jewelry, Dolphin Jewlelry - Magic Zoo Animal Jewelry with Personality


Hello! I’m Merry Rosenfield, the artist behind the Magic Zoo animal jewelry. I’ve been an “animal fan” since early childhood. Back then I spent days exploring the creeks and fields of my native Ohio where I’d collect and “make pets” of tadpoles, salamanders, orphaned baby birds and all manner of bugs. My favorite adult friend was the local park naturalist, Mr. Wells. I’d call him up at least once every summer for advice on caring for my latest found creature. I dreamed of being a zoologist, traveling around the planet, exploring the world of exotic animals.

I was born a middle child of a professional commercial artist mom. Not only were we four kids exposed to an environment rich in local flora and fauna—but we were encouraged to develop our creative talents as well. My early interests were in writing poetry, singing, and acting—but the world of visual arts held special fascination for me. And my mother was a shining example of how a woman could make a living, even support four children with her art. With that background, it wasn’t difficult to merge two of my greatest interests into a self-made career. The beginnings of Magic Zoo II were in the early 1980’s. It was then that I discovered polymer clay in working with a Florida fashion jewelry designer. As my ability to create in the clay increased, it became clear that this was an art form that I could develop and work in for a long time. In the late 1980’s, Magic Zoo was created, and I began working the professional art and craft show circuit. This has expanded and my husband and I now participate in many of the nation’s top juried shows, from California to New York.

I still make each piece of my animal jewelry clay collections individually—and yes, my fingerprints can still be seen if you look closely! For my Sterling Silver animal jewelry collections and pieces, I design each one individually by hand.

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