
The GreenMan


Clyde Daugherty began carving in the late 1980s while serving in the military. It all began when he saw a photo in a magazine of "the old man of the wood," a carving of an old bearded man in a slab of tree trunk. Clyde was very impressed with the carving and thought, "I can do that." So he found a slab of wood and started with a pocket knife and Exacto blades to carve his own "wood spirit."

About two weeks later Clyde had a carving that he was totaly disgusted with and thought, "I guess I can't do that." He was so dissappointed with his carving that he gave up on it before it was finished and left it on a table in his back yard. The carving then ended up on the ground and lost in the back yard. Clyde admitted defeat and realized he was not cut out to be a carver.

Months later, during a visit, Clyde's mother noticed the rejected carving laying in the grass. By this time the sun had aged it to a dark gray and tiny crackes had appeared all over it. But she fell in love with it. Clyde was actually ashamed of it, but he cleaned it up and gave it to her. She liked the piece so much that she brought it home and hung it on her fireplace. This encouraged Clyde to give it another try.

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