
The Gold Shop - Supplying Gold Nuggets, Jewellery, Books, Maps and Historical Information.


Australian Native Gold is the original site specialising in selling and promoting natural Australian gold nuggets via the web. We are an Australian owned company that was formed several years ago with the aim of preserving Australian gold in it's natural form.

Our efforts have been recognised by the Victorian State Government and today we are one of very few private enterprises authorised to sell official Miner's Rights to the public.

In the past the general practise was to simply melt all the natural alluvial and reef gold recovered from the ground, and refine it to high grade bullion. Each natural gold nugget has a unique shape texture and individual character formed over millions of years by the forces of nature. At the Mining Exchange Gold Shop we felt that many gold nuggets have natural shapes that can be turned into high quality jewellery, so we set about working with the natural gold nuggets to discover ways where their natural beauty can be continuously enjoyed

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