
The Academy Chorus


We are a Men's Barbershop Chorus based in Tampa, Florida, a chapter of SPEBSQSA, the Barbershop Harmony Society. We are officially known as the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of SPEBSQSA. Although we are a new group (formed summer of 2003), we are made up of some very experienced Barbershop singers, including past International competitors and medal winners.

We are very fortunate to have a Director and Music Team with a wealth of experience who all bring a great sense of humor, energy and knowledge to every rehearsal - it's hard not to have fun, even though we're working our tails off!

Our members are doctors, teachers, writers, accountants, retirees and students. Some have over 30 years of singing experience while others have just started in this great hobby. Our audition process is tough but fair - we don't want to exclude anyone, but we want to make it clear that we have high expectations for our members and their work ethic.

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