


Thane Morgan is the owner of Thane's Games; in real life he is a energetic materials chemist working for a small research company in Albuquerque, NM. The game business is operated out of his home, guarded by two-and-a-half Hounds of Chaos, Mystic, Merlin and Rodent. Thane has a very understanding wife, Silvia, who has not yet complained about him using about a 1/4 of the house for gaming activities. This is only fair, as he has not complained about the Star Trek femme fatale portrait she had done of herself, which now occupies almost a whole wall in the dining room.

Thane's Games has several game systems available. Miniatures are being sold to improve revenue, and the first line of Armies of Arcana figures is to be sculpted in September. Only the best looking figures will be sold from this site. You are encouraged to purchase figures from your local gamestore, but if they have no interest in 15mm figures but you do, you may order them from the online store.

The flagship of the business is Armies of Arcana, a fantasy wargame which is also designed for flexibility, speed and tactics. Minor alterations in the rules allow players to use 15mm or 25mm figures, from small skirmishes of 20 or troops per side to massive 300+ troops per side. It is available for $29.99, with a pledge that you'll will never need to buy another book to play the game.

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Memphis TN
US 38115


Graphics & Motions
Memphis TN
US 38115

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