

TeeManiac.com is an online store that is dedicated to selling Yantra tattoo t-shirts and hoodies unlike other online t-shirt outlets that sell all sorts of designs. Since there are many different forms of Yantra tattoo art, there should be plenty of different and interesting designs to choose from that all have the sacred properties of the Yantra.

What Are Yantra Tattoos?

If you are someone who pays attention to details, you may have noticed that Angelina Jolie has a very specific, quite beautiful tattoo on the back of her left shoulder. In the pictures, it is hard to figure out what it is, but to anyone who knows anything about mystic tattooing, it is obvious that the award winning actress is wearing a yantra tattoo. A yantra tattoo is a representative of the Cambodian art of protective tattooing, and this is a tradition that goes back a very long way. Soldiers in Cambodia still seek these tattoos out, considering them to be a powerful charm against both evil spirits and enemy soldiers.

When you are looking at a yantra tattoo, there are going to be two elements to it that stand out. The first is known as the mantra, and this involves lines of text that act as a guide for the person who bears them as well as an invocation of protection from the unseen world. The second aspect that you will see is known as the yantra, and it is the geometric shape that ties the tattoo together. This is something that many people find quite beautiful and lovely.

When getting a a yantra tattoo, the man in question enters into a relationship with his master, who will be the person giving it to him. The relationship is one that will last their entire lives and there is a great deal of respect between the two people When the disciple is ready, he must not speak with anyone for three days and three nights before he is tattooed. Even after the tattoo has been permanently etched on to his skin, it is nothing until it is consecrated. A consecrated tattoo must go through a ritual where the five aspects of the Buddha are invoked, and there may very well be aspects of the ceremony taken from Hinduism as well.

After the tattoo is on the person, it will protect him for his whole life unless he does something to break the promises that he made. Before the ceremony, he would have sworn to avoid things like prida and theft, and if he should break those promises, the tattoo would abruptly cease to work. The power would be broken and the tattoo would just be markings on skin rather than a charm. It is said that breaking the charm can even drive a man mad!

Yantra tattoos are fading from popular use and they are certainly on the decline, but in many places in Cambodia, it is still possible to see them on people.


Tattoos can do more than just adorn and decorate; when they are yantra tattoos, they can also protect!

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