
Welcome to St Johns Church, Harpenden - The Church on the Common


St John’s Church, Harpenden - an Ash Wednesday sermon - 'Dust and Ashes'

From time to time we publish sermons given in Church . This particular sermon was given by Jonathan Smith, our Vicar for Ascension Day.

"God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places far above all rule and authority and power and dominion." ( Ephesians 1 : 20,21 )

I remember from my days as a student, that the last London train to leave Cambridge Railway Station on a Sunday evening always had on board a goodly number of girl friends and boy friends heading back to the Metropolis having spent the week-end with their amours. I have little doubt that the scene is still substantially the same most Sunday evenings in term time. Back then, that train had a colloquial name…which I couldn’t possibly repeat in church. The activity on the platform was wondrous to behold. Last minute kisses and hugs, the whispered words of affection and promises of undying love. Then as the train slowly pulled out, that last gasp sprint along the platform endeavouring to keep adjacent to the window by which the loved one sat; trying to hold on to a few precious seconds of sight before the beloved face was whisked off into the night. Then, oh what a weary trudge it was back along the platform to the bus stop or bicycle racks. Faces downcast and sad, the odd eye moist with tears as the idea of even a few days without that special person seemed such an unhappy and unappealing prospect.

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