
Sports Celebrity Marketing S.C.M Inc.


Sports Celebrity Marketing S.C.M. Inc. is a company which is dedicated to providing sports celebrities to its clients to satisfy a variety of business needs. SCM was founded in 1998 after many discussions between President, Paul Cartwright, and several former athletes, whom he numbers as his friends. Cartwright's thought was that everyone remembers their childhood heroes of sports. These retired athletes played before the era of multi-million dollar contracts, and many still hold jobs to pay their mortgage, just like the rest of us. Sports celebrities from the 50's, 60's and 70's are the childhood heroes of many of today's business decision makers. Therefore, there is a connection between organizations looking for sports celebrities and sports celebrities looking for supplemental income.

We truly enjoy working with "yesterday's heroes", as we like to refer to the athletes. These sportsmen honestly enjoy meeting their fans from days gone by. Unlike many of today's athletes, these men like sharing stories with their fans, signing autographs, and genuinely interacting with the public. They remain unspoiled by the millions of dollars being thrown at today's athletes. And because they were paid about the same salary during their careers as the average tradesman, bank teller or store clerk, they don't have the outrageous financial demands of many of today's sports figures. Yes, old-time sports heroes are a double bonus; they cost less, and they are wonderful, engaging people you will love meeting.

Sports Celebrity Marketing S.C.M. Inc. is based in the Toronto area but places athletes with organizations all across the United States as well as Canada. We currently work with over 200 athletes representing the sports of baseball, hockey, football, basketball and boxing. We also enjoy working with diverse groups of athletes such as Negro League veterans, Christian athletes, and First Nations athletes.


Cartwright, Paul
Georgetown ON
CA L7G 4S8



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