
The Art of Johanna Stocker - Hand Watercolored Archival Photographs on Watercolor Paper


“I am fascinated with windows, alleys and doorways,” explains Johanna, “to me they represent a metaphor for new beginnings, life processes, and the threshold to new lives. I am also drawn to the rich textures on the ancient buildings in Europe. We don’t ever see that, here in the United States. In Italy, however, there may be a modern hotel, restaurant or business in a building that is over a thousand years old. Those complex textures are like nothing we see here in America, they are rich with life, color and fantasy. ” Ms. Stocker is also working on a new series of images including Monterey Historical Adobes and Mission Doors. She plans to go back to Europe soon to visit the villages and out of the way places in Greece, Spain and Southern Italy.

Johanna Stocker is a multi-talented artist, who has found different ways to express her spirit over the years. She began her professional career as a creative artist as a classically trained ballerina, performing in both the Oakland and San Francisco Ballets for over 10 years. Johanna studied in New York with ABT’s David Howard, the Joffrey Ballet, and Jimmy Howell.




Johanna V. Stocker
Monterey CA
United States 93942

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