is the UK's number 1 Speed Dating company

Speed Dating Events

Highly successful Speed Dating recommended for professional singles looking to meet other people in their area- Events held in twenty four cities throughout the UK. Enjoy UK Speed Dating with a difference.

UK Speed Dating

What's in a name? After all, who would call a chemist "Boots"? So why name a speed dating company Slow Dating?

Quite aside from the irony, there is of course the element of quality. Slow Dating provides that touch of quality over and above Speed Dating – so you get all the fun, without the rush.

It is of paramount importance to us to ensure that all of our customers have a great time. Part of this is ensuring that you have the best possible experience before, during and after the evening that you attend.

The event is of course the key. Most Speed Dating is based around three minutes per date. Research, experience and customer feedback shows that three minutes is just too short a time for each date. With all the moving between tables and furiously scribbling notes about one another, you have hardly had time to draw breath before a shrill whistle interrupts and you have to say your goodbyes.

With Slow Dating you have four minutes with each date and a further 30 seconds grace to make your notes. Over and over again, we are told that extra minute really counts.

Now we know that four minutes clearly isn't enough time to get to know someone but it is enough time to make your mind up whether you want to see that person again!

After all, that's what this Speed Dating phenomenon is all about. All of our hosts and everyone at Slow Dating HQ will find time to ensure that you have a great time before, during and after your evening with us.

Slow Dating - make that extra minute count !

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