
Skyscan Aerial Photolibrary: supplying solutions in aerial imagery


Skyscan's photographers undertake aerial photography all over the world using a wide variety of aerial platforms. These include planes and helicopters, masts and models, free flying aerial sports cameramen and the unique Skyscan Balloon Camera. Commissions can be arranged in all these areas of expertise.

A stock photolibrary is held of 130,000+ images covering oblique and vertical air to ground photography as well as air to air activities, aviation and satellite imagery. Clients include :-

A database of world-wide aerial photographers and archives has been built up over nearly twenty years in business. Using this, we now offer a picture research service to locate both modern and historical aerial photographs.The vertical (straight down) aerial photography is geo-referenced and used for mapping purposes; Skyscan is agent for Ordnance Survey and other mapping companies.



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