Title - Online Hosting Files Made Simple!


SimpleUpload is a German and Israelian owned one-click hosting pay and free-service (with limitations) website that operates from Israel and Germany and is financed by the subscriptions of paying users. The site allows any user to upload files of up to 100 MB. The user is then supplied with a unique download URL which enables anyone, with whom the uploader shares it with, to download the file. No user is allowed to search the server for content; all files have to be downloaded by following a given URL. SimpleUpload states that they have 160 gigabit/s of Internet connectivity and 0,5 petabytes of storage for users. Non-paying users are required to wait more than one minute before any download becomes available and CAPTCHA validation is required. Non-paying users are also required to wait one minute for every megabyte of data downloaded before they can download again.

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