
Simple Spaces Simple Life professional home organizing service for South Shore, MA residents


Simple Spaces Simple Life
Plymouth MA
United States 02360


I'm an expert in life changes. Since I graduated from college, I've lived in 20 different homes, each with a different floor plan–and I remember them all. So by the time my husband and I moved to Massachusetts, I was a real pro. In just nine days I put the house on the market, got it sold, packed up the car, and left Michigan.

I've lived in four different countries and five states. In Switzerland we had no bedroom closets. We did have them in Japan, but they were for the bedding, not the clothes. In Japan we also had a 900-square-foot living space for three people: myself, my husband, and our daughter, who grew from an infant to a 10-year-old while we were there. Each stage of her growth created new reasons to use space creatively. In her tiny bedroom I mounted storage places for diapers and other things all over the walls. I even used a small bookcase to hold clothes. When she became a toddler, I took her bookcase and flipped it on its back as a toy chest. When she reached school age, I flipped it back up and finally used it for books!

My background is in science and computer science–I look at everything as a puzzle to be solved. Even as a child growing up on a farm, I tried to figure out how things (like clouds and stars) work. Years later, as a science teacher, I took joy in transferring that fascination to my students. And because I was teaching in expatriate schools all over the world, I learned how to communicate with people of all backgrounds–from my students to the high-level executives whose companies sponsored the schools. I also learned the patience and skills required to listen well.

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