- British Sikh news, culture & music

Title - Everyone Keeping Together As One


Sikhs are good in social Ekta but when it comes to religious ekta, we do see manye obstacles here and there. To have ekta we need to learn tolerance and respect and compromise with each other. We need to respect each other as much as possible if we are to gain unity and to practice respect for each other, we also need to learn to be humble in our words and actions. Being humble will earn you respect and that way we will have more positive and stronger ekta, not only in Sikhi, but wherever you look to. And the path to ekta is that which Guru Granth Sahib Jee speaks - and that is to respect every human and to see everyone as equal.

Nowadays, there are many "branches" of Sikhi where there have been difference of opinions and beliefs. Everyone has been given the unique gift of individuality but unfortunately, levels of tolerance and respect have been lowered over the years. It is not the Sikh way to enforce beliefs and practices upon others. Guru Granth Sahib Jee, our eternal Guru, is our Guide and Mentor to help us live a good and happy life. Guru Granth Sahib Jee is the key to inner enlightenment and opening the door to Vaheguru's embrace.

Ekta One has joined in the campaign to turn the dream of ekta into a reality. There are many groups (jathas) such as Akhand Keertani Jatha, Taksaal, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sevak Jatha, Nanaksar and more who do so much for Sikhi in a positive light and this website aims to unite their efforts and bring you (the sangat) resources where the content such as audio, videos, photos and literature, is added irrelevent of which jatha it relates to or is produced by.

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