
Sheffield Christadelphians


The Christadelphians are a worldwide community established about 150 years ago. They adopted their name in the mid 1800’s. It means “Brothers and Sisters in Christ”. Christadelphians are found all over the world. They are bound together by a common faith in the gospel preached by Christ and his apostles in the first century. It is this faith and its appeal to men and women from all walks of life which brought the community into existence.

The Christadelphians in Sheffield meet in their ecclesial hall on Cemetery Road, Sheffield, England. The ecclesia consists of around 100 members and a number of young people drawn from a wide area around Sheffield. The city is fortunate in having two well respected Universities and this results in a good number of students coming to Sheffield and meeting with us during the time of their stay. They make a welcome addition to our numbers and bring with them the fresh enthusiasm of youth.

The Christadelphian faith rests squarely and solely on the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and we allow the teachings within it to govern our lives. Christadelphians do not believe that any of their members, past or present have received any special direct revelation from God.

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