
Randale C. Sechrest, MD


Qi Gong is an ancient chinese method of exercise that is designed to harness the Qi, or energy, in the body and redirect or move the energy for health purposes. We have been using Qi Gong as an alternative form of relaxation, exercise and meditation as part of our treatment program for chronic pain. Dr. Patrick Johnson and I discuss the use of Qi Gong as part of the treatment regimen for chronic pain patients at the Montana Spine and Pain Center.

Amy Haynes, ND stopped by to discuss hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This is something that has been around for 30 years as a treatment for many diseases - most notably infections and carbon monoxide poisoning. Now the benefits of increasing oxygen to the tissues as a therapeutic intervention are being used to treat many other medical problems - such as stroke. Amy is working to take this technology available in the Missoula area. I had the chance to ask her some questions.

Someone at the BTG-2006 conference passed along this url for a new PBS program about to be released - This is a pretty impressive effort that will soon be a TV program on PBS. The companion website is very nice in its own right. Good information, good patient education materials and a balanced look at the whole integrative medicine movement in the US. Highly recommended. I plan to buy some of the DVDs once they are available and spread them around to the administrative types here at Saint Patrick Hospital. In my opinion, those of us involved in traditional western allopathic medicine can no longer ignore the integrative healthcare movement. There is compelling scientific evidence to support many of the principles of integrative medicine and there is a groundswell of support in the population.

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Randale C. Sechrest, MD
Missoula MT
United States 59804

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