Title - The Slack Starts Here


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In the beginning All was Slack and Slack was All and and All was good.But then came The Fall of Slack. Slack was just kicking back and All was good, maybe a little too good. So Slack thought maybe some Forbidden Fruit might liven things up a bit

Well the fruit was good but Slack forgot to read the fine print on the label and the side effects really sucked. Next thing you know, Slack is getting really paranoid about kicking back. Maybe kicking back isn't really where it's at, thought Slack. Maybe All really is not good, maybe I really should not be kicking back, it suddenly occured to Slack.

And that is the moment that Slack became ashamed of Kicking Back. As a matter of fact Slack hid in the bushes. No longer could Slack kick back out in the open. But Slack couldn't hide from the side effects from The Forbidden Fruit (they were permanent) and Slack was so ashamed of kicking back that Slack came out of the bushes and started digging in the dirt.

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