
A Script Consultant, Story Analyst & Script Advisor


My approach to script consulting is an extremely personal one, taking clients “under my wing,” with my sole purpose to help them be the very best screenwriters they can be and to manifest the scripts they have always dreamed of writing. For a writer to show his work-in-progress to literally a “stranger in the business” is a delicate matter and takes a special kind of “literary courage,” a brave act that I do not take lightly, considering it a privilege to be chosen to be that trusted stranger (hopefully for not very long). I have found a different (and, in many ways, an even deeper) thrill when employing my entertainment experience and screenwriting and script consulting skills to assist you, the enthused and budding, author, and look forward to the opportunity to serve your screenwriting needs.

All it took was a friend of mine, who worked as an executive assistant to a seasoned producer (and formerly for the author of the “French Connection”), to show me one page of a screenplay and I was hooked (“line and sinker”). I knew that this was what I would be doing for a long time to come (and still am). That was the mid-80’s and, since that auspicious day, I’ve written and collaborated on a myriad of scripts and treatments, including comedies (possibly my specialty), dramas, thrillers, sitcoms, video projects, television shows, radio programs, and the list goes on. Due to some of these works, scripts were optioned; agents were procured; meetings at studios took place. Many of those “Hollywood happenings” happened. And don’t let anybody try to convince you otherwise: It is a thrill.

My desire to be an actor/performer drew me to Los Angeles (and, even today, I still use those talents professionally) and, when involved in educational theatre and television, I was given the opportunity to collaborate on shows and also use my skills to write and perform the music. (I even had a chance to help choreograph a commercial I was in.) My fascination with screenplays grew, finding myself wanting to talk to friends long after viewing a compelling film (often too long for their tired ears) about how it was put together writing-wise, and sought out more and more information on the subject until I was studying story analysis and eventually working for production companies, doing coverages (extensive critiques) of submitted screenplays.

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