
ROTTWEILER.CA>Rottweilers of Canada: Braxenburg Rottweilers {Puppies, Stud Service, Breed Information}


I started to use the B.A.R.F. diet in late 1997, after losing 5 Rottweilers, either related, or un-related, due to a myriad of health problems. The only correlation that I could find was the FOOD. For years, I had always used premium kibble, even trying 'holistic'dog kibble. I came to the conclusion that I didn't have anything else to lose, except more Rottweilers, which I am determined will never happen again.

For the first couple of weeks on B.A.R.F., the dogs' would happily gobble their food...and then promptly throw it back up, their coats began to become very dull, and dandruffy...nd although, the dogs loved their new food, I was very close in changing back to kibble. Thankfully, I stuck with it! I can only compare kibble with those pre-packaged pasta dinners (Kraft Dinners, etc.) would be like US eating Kraft Dinner for years, and then suddenly switch over to a diet, rich in veggies, vitamins, fresh food, and raw meat. I contacted several B.A.R.F. experts, who assured me that although my dogs were throwing up, etc, this was quite normal detoxification.

Although I notice that B.A.R.F. fed puppies mature a bit slower...they all grow into their genetically pre-disposed size at adulthood, with less growing pain problems (pano, limps, etc).

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