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Is the Rottweiler the Right Breed for Me?

Many people find out too late that the answer for them is no! For some people, the Rottweiler is the only breed in the world. It's important that you understand what you're getting into when you take a Rottweiler into your home. This is not a Labrador in a Rott suit. It's a very different breed of dog with its own set of unique advantages and disadvantages. You may love the way the rottweiler looks, but you may not love his typical rottweiler temperament!

The first item of concern for many people is getting a dog for protection. While the Rottweiler is a "guarding breed," there is no guarantee that the rottie you get will protect you from an intruder or attacker. Individual personalities vary within the breed, and the sweet family pet you get for protection may run and hide at the first sign of danger. On the other hand, you may get a dog that's positively itching for a confrontation. He or she may find any excuse to distrust someone (even a family member) and "protect" you against someone that has no ill intentions! Without proper (and expensive) training, you could be setting yourself up for a bad situation with a "protective" dog.

He's a "Watch Dog"

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they get a rottweiler is to fail to properly socialize the dog with other people and animals. Dogs who are not properly socialized may bark, growl, lunge at or worse, bite, people who do not pose a threat. When your friends are visiting (or your kids' friends), be mindful of the liability such a dog can become. The last thing any good rottweiler owner wants is for their dog to hurt a friend.

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