
Rokpa UK Home Page


Akong Tulku Rinpoche , a Tibetan doctor and teacher, Lea Wyler and her father Veit Wyler the Swiss lawyer. Its aim is to improve the quality of life of the poorest peoples around the world irrespective of their religion, nationality or cultural background.

The majority of these are aimed at giving children from the poorest backgrounds the opportunity of an education and training. Rokpa also funds healthcare and a small number of environmental projects. The preservation and regeneration of Tibet's rich culture and language has always been an important aspect of our work.

Dr Akong Tulku Rinpoche

President of Rokpa International, Rinpoche - (meaning precious) - is a Tibetan who came to England in 1963. He visited his homeland in 1986 after a long absence and since then has worked ceaselessly for the expansion of humanitarian activities both there and in many other parts of the World.

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Rokpa Trust
Eskdalemuir Langholm
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland DG130QL

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