
Roggenwolf™ next generation digital camouflage™


Excerpted from the website description:

The WWW home of Roggenwolf™ - next generation digital camouflage™. The term 'digital camouflage' is actually a misnomer. Although the squares that are seen in 'digital' camouflage patterns resemble the pixels that comprise a digitised image, they are really only an artefact of the computer-modelling process. The same camouflage effects could be achieved using other shapes - Bundeswehr-Flecktarnmuster B (groß), for example, uses small, coloured dots instead of squares, to produce a dithered effect very much like those seen in more recent, computer-rendered camouflage designs such as CADPAT™, MARPAT™ and ARPAT™. 'Digital' camouflage patterns use squares only because they are much easier to render on a computer.




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