QuitoZoo.org Quito Zoo in Guayllabamba, education and conservation centre

Quito Zoo and its parent organisation, the Fundación Zoológica del Ecuador (Zoological Foundation of Ecuador), are based in Ecuador, South America. The Foundation's motto is "To learn, to educate, to conserve", and Quito Zoo plays a leading role in conservation and education in Ecuador.


Quito Zoo offers a range of volunteer and intern opportunities. Volunteers can gain experience helping the zoo keepers with nutrition, cleaning, maintainence, behavioural enrichment and more. Experienced zoo keepers are very welcome, but there are also placements for general volunteers where no experience is required. Office-based volunteers can still help the zoo in its work by assisting with marketing, data management or promotion.


Qualified vets and veterinary students may undertake internships at the zoo, helping the zoo vet and his team care for the animals. There are also opportunities for biologists to intern, usually assisting with evaluation and improvement of the behavioural enrichment program.


The condor conservation project in which the Zoo participates offers the chance for biology students/graduates to help with field research and data collection to conserve the endangered Andean condor. There are also placements for volunteer environmental educators on the same project, to work with local communities.


Skilled, professional-level photographers are welcome to volunteer. We always need more photos of the zoo animals for our website and other promotional materials. We use volunteers' photos, like this one of the jaguar from photographer Kelly Knights, to help spread the word about Quito Zoo's efforts to conserve Ecuador's magnificent wildlife.



Español, English

Additional Information

El Quito Zoo está ubicado en Guayllabamba, a una hora de Quito. Mantiene en exhibición más de 40 especies entre las que se encuentran monos, felinos, papagayos, y animales extranjeros como el león y el canguro y actualmente es el espacio educativo/recreativo más visitado del Ecuador; 280.000 personas al año llegan a visitarnos. Conservamos y educamos, únete a nuestra gran aventura.

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