is a personal blog that posts about robotics and technology


Proverbs Web Calendar


At Proverbs, we consider open source software to be any application that may be used freely by anyone, without charge or royalty, that includes full disclosure of uncompiled source code.

Open Source allows for the sharing and expansion of ideas and concepts between many developers. By allowing other software authors to use, modify or redistribute an application (or piece of source code) the application has a chance to evolve at a faster rate and possibly produce new technology altogether. Open Source is also a learning tool, if it wasn't for the sharing of source code many developers would have never made it out of the gate, including us here at Proverbs. So this is our chance to give something back.

You may freely use, distribute, modify or derive new works from all the Open Source programs produced and distributed by Proverbs, without cost or royalty, provided the following conditions are maintained: 1) all copyright and/or trademark notifications remain intact, 2) credit is given to the original author(s) for their work, 3) any stipulations placed on or within any piece of individual source code is maintained. Proverbs does not warrant or provide support for any of the applications provided in Open Source form.




Proverbs, LLC
St Petersburg Florida
United States 33713

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