a publication of the Protein Society about Protein Science


Protein Science


About Protein Science, the Journal

Protein Science serves as an international forum for publishing original reports on proteins in the broadest sense. The Journal aims to unify this field by cutting across established disciplinary lines and focusing on “protein-centered” science.

Protein Science encompasses the structure, function, and biochemical significance of proteins; their role in molecular and cell biology, genetics, and evolution; and their regulation and mechanisms of action. Representative topics include, but are not limited to, the structure of proteins and strategies of determining protein structure by chemical, biophysical, and recombinant methods; peptides; protein domains; protein folding and molecular dynamics; novel isolation procedures; enzyme action and regulation; interactions of proteins with nucleic acids, lipids, ligands, and other proteins; receptor-mediated signal transduction and other trans-membrane phenomena; the functions of proteins in replication, supramolecular assembly, immune reactions, development, and other biological processes; protein trafficking, synthesis, and sorting; and the recognition, localization and signaling of proteins. In addition to the investigative techniques already mentioned, the Journal will publish results of protein-centered work involving sequencing, modification, and mass spectrometry; cDNA, mutagenesis, and cloning; computational analysis; isolation and characterization; thermodynamics and hydrodynamics; kinetics; and equilibrium phenomena. Please contact the Editorial Office or the Associate Editors for clarification of appropriate subject matter.

Protein Science publishes full-length original research papers as well as reviews and book reviews. Recollections (by invitation) are historical reviews that are intended to give an overview of how a particular topic in the science of proteins has developed. A special section, For the Record, features brief refereed reports of recent developments in the field. For example, this section may highlight a new protein sequence or report a new protein structure and/or function. Reviews (by invitation) are intended to familiarize the general reader with the current status and future trends of rapidly evolving topics of current interest.

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