
Plausible Futures Newsletter


The Plausible Futures Newsletter is a news service for the future studies community edited by independent researcher Ole Peter Galaasen based in Norway. The initial idea behind Plausible Futures was to use the internet to collect and present news and analysis on different management topics. Throughout the years the site has grown in complexity and the coverage today spans diverse science and humanistic topics. The objective of this website is to help organizations and individuals discern the news and background information available on the internet related to the future. The key topics of this site is new technology, management theory and long term large scale change.

I've been working with future studies and technology research since the early ninties and I'm currently looking for relevant work anywhere in the english speaking world. I've held several jobs ranging from qualitative research and journalism to sales and market research. Take a look at my curriculum vitae for more information.


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Norway 2322

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