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About The Piano LIfe Saver System

The Piano Life Saver System is used to protect the piano. Using an internal humidity control system, it stabilizes the piano's ideal humidity of 45 percent and temperature at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Since the world has a variety of climates, this ideal temperature isn't always easily obtainable. The Piano Life Saver System makes it easy for piano owners to maintain this essential humidity level. It is a cost effective solution for protecting this major investment and keeping it sound condition for many years.

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How It Works

The tool is engineered to keep the piano's wood moisture content intact. When the wood moisture is not obtained at a sound level, the piano eventually breaks down; resulting in major tuning and repairs. When the Piano Life Saver System is inserted into the piano, it consistently tracks the moisture levels inside via an electronic Humidistat near the soundboard. When levels are too low, the Humidistat activates the Humidifier. In contrast, if levels are too low, it activates the dehumidifier. Additional benefits of the Piano Life Saver Include:

  • Serious Rust Damage Prevention
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  • Sticking Keys Prevention
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  • Pinblock Damage Prevention
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  • The Grand Piano Humidity Control System

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  • The Upright Piano Humidity Control System
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    Learn more about how The Piano Life Saver System is revolutionizing piano maintenance methods.

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