Photo Restoration

Photo Restoration Service uk and Photo Retouching and repair

Company Description

Photo restoration and Photo Repair Service. At Red Rose Photos "We specialise in making your old photos special again"

Photo restoration and Photo Repair Service

Old photographs are often the only chance you’ve had to capture special moments which have been and gone, but every piece of damage or ageing can cause these memories to fade. After all, when you look at your cherished old photos, you should be transported back to that moment to enjoy it like it was only yesterday without the worry of damage or fading.


Our countless happy customers but us at the top of the family tree when it comes to photo restoration. We take in interest in every photo we restore and it's that personable service and attention to detail that sets us apart when working on your special memories.

About the author / owner and founder

Photo Restoration has been a passion of mine ever since a relative gave me some old family photos a few years back. The satisfaction gained from restoring those old photos made me realise from a young age that this was profession I wanted to develop in and eventually Red Rose Photos was born. For me, there’s no better medium than a visual image. A photo can say so many different things to so many different people. A photo is a moment in time captured forever. So to be able to work on those moments and repair photos back to their original state is something Red Rose Photos take great pride in. It’s not about us, it’s about you and your photos.

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