Lifelike pet portraits in pastel by Artist Sara Theophilus


Pets In Pastel

Pet portraits from your photographs...artist Sarah Theophilus captures the unique beauty & spirit of dogs, cats & horses in her lifelike portraits in oil pastel. Visit her online gallery for samples, ordering information, fine art prints, photography tips, free e-cards, wallpapers & more.

About the Artist

I have always had a special fascination for animals, and find sharing my home with a pet enriches life in every way. After exploring all manner of subjects & styles, turning to the realistic portrayal of our faithful animal companions was a natural choice. I delight in trying to create the texture of soft fur on a flat canvas and capture spirit through the eyes - the base upon which each portrait grows.

Born in the UK, I now live in Western Canada. Art has long been a part of my life and I sold my first commissioned portrait at 16. During my school years I was first introduced to oil pastel, and immediately fell in love with it's colours, texture & versatility. For me, it is the perfect medium with which to capture the lifelike quality and soft detail of portraiture. After completing my BA, I started working in web design, then created an on-line gallery to showcase animal paintings I had done over the years. Gradually, interest in my work grew and art began to take central focus in my life.

Today, painting is my full-time profession. I am honoured by my clients' trust in my ability to capture their special companions, and immensely grateful to be painting every day, doing something I love, which can at times help others to celebrate a beloved pet or to deal with the grief over their loss.

Example Pet Portraits

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History began life in 1999 as a tiny 3 page advertisement for my services. Gradually, I started adding extra features for fellow pet lovers and artists - first extending the galleries, then adding free content such as photo tips and e-cards. More recently, wallpapers and a pet article section were created. The new art techiniques section in particular has been popular, and will continue to develop as time goes by. I hope the site has grown into a place for visitors to come and enjoy in many ways outside of its commercial beginnings.




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Featured on 27 April 2007

Featured Text -- Pets are a huge part of millions of people’s lives. They are faithful companions, privy to our secrets, consummate good-natured greeters, and for many of us, truly part of the family. That they get us outside for walks everyday, even in the rain and cold, is testament to bond between humans and their beloved pets. In celebration of the welcomed shift to Spring and the accompanying annual puppy deluge, we at AboutUs are pleased to highlight the work of UK born artist Sarah Theophilus whose work blends an obvious love for animals and truly masterful skill. Check out to witness Sarah’s deft hand create unique oil pastel lifelike portraits that reflect the myriad ways in which pets, and animals in general, have enriched her life.

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