is Fashion design exclusively for petites


Petite Personal Shopper


What is it with the fashion world that makes it forget that women of average height (around 5'3") or under actually exist? Of course haute couture, that beautiful world that's more art than practicality, loves models who are taller than most men with the physique of adolescent boys, but that's not sufficient explanation.

We hear a lot about women and body image issues, but these usually focus on shape and girth, not height. There are regular features in newspapers and magazines about Plus sizes and the difficulties larger women have, but there seems to be a Plus size shop on every High Street, and brands like Evans advertise regularly in glossy magazines. Try to get fashion journalists interested in petite issues, however, and the shutters come down.

Yet buried deep in a lengthy research report commissioned for Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty lies disturbing evidence of how shorter women are coming to feel social pressure in an increasingly 'tallcentric' society.

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